Monday, June 19, 2006

Goals for the week...

This Week:

1. I meet with Dave to go The Yardies Go Boom Boom on Wednesday. We'll go over all of the issues in the script and it will give me a starting point for my rewrite. I try to get three people to read my scripts so I have three different viewpoints. I sent it to my friend Michelle who graduated from Tisch, and I think I'll shoot it to another classmate. I think I have something with script.

2. Last night, I wrote until 2:30am, but not on Money Shot. I was working on the story for my next 434 in the Fall. It's going to be a comedy, and I think it's funny.

3. This week, I'll meet with Howard Suber, who taught our film structure course. A great guy, and it'll be cool to listen to him talk about film. I may have an opportunity to TA for him next year, which would be kind of cool. I've never TA'ed for anyone, so I don't know what's involved, but I'm interested.

4. Money Shot: The goal is to get to about 7500 words by the end of the week. I think I can do that before having to do more interviews. Chapter One is flowing well, and I think it's a good start to the book. I missed going to the Lex' shoot last week, but I have plenty of shoots.

5. We're shooting Hoodietees models in my t-shirts next Saturday. We're probably about a week or so away from going live.

6. Father's Day was great. We went to the best Mexican food restaurant in LA, and I'm stuffed. But now, I'm back on the wagon. Getting to the gym as soon as I finish this post.

7. My Friends With Benefits royalty from William Morris is on its way. The amount was a nice surprise.

8. Just keep plowing along...


urbanguy said...

So do you have a 9-to-5 or is the writing a full time thing? Curious.....keep doing your thing..


Lawrence said...

Thanks for the email. I'm one of the fortunate few. I've been writing and lecturing for the past six years. That has really freed me to become productive, which is why I create insane schedules for my projects. I never take a day without having to clock in somewhere for granted.