One of the beautiful things about UCLA film school is that it has classes which literally make me hyped when I read the descriptions. I actually have to hold myself back so that I'm not taking too many. This quarter, I'm taking three classes. I'm taking my obligatory 434 advanced screenwriting class. We begin pitching next week and since I have to write my Sloan script, LATIMER, in the class anyway, it's pretty much well thought out. I was able to roll about ten pages of script by the way. Next, I was accepted into a television comedy course being taught by Fred Rubin. One of the things that surprised me about UCLA is that there doesn't appear to be a lot of television classes. This class is about writing comedy scenes, and since I have a comedy show I've already sketched out, I'm interested in what makes a scene work. Then, I have a class on showrunning, which allows me to understand how to sell my next Nielsen winner. I think I'm one of those rare writers who actually LOVES the business side of things. Maybe because I've actually run businesses? That'll be enough work with the book manuscript due in September.
Showrunning...now THAT'S the move!
Now remember, this is just my second quarter at UCLA, so I'm not sure if there will be more television courses, but UCLA screenwriting program pretty much focuses on writing feature scripts. Now that doesn't mean there aren't courses. I'm in Fred Rubin's comedy course, and you can pretty much use his lessons for both television and film. His background is in both genres. A lot of televsion courses come through the producer's program, and that's where you learn the nuts and bolts.
If you're interested in going to a great screenwriting program, I would definitely suggest applying. You'll definitely have an opportunity to learn both television, film, or even playwriting if you'd like. Hope that helps and thanks for the compliment on my blog!
Thanks and I hope you keep reading and commenting!
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