Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Black Newspapers and Radio...

As part of my marketing campaign for Friends With Benefits, I'm going to do a LOT of radio interviews. Now, Kensington tends to like "radio tours", which basically means that I have to wake up at 3am PST, to get interviewed by an East Coast drive time deejay. When my son was real young, I used to take my cell phone and go into my truck for the interviews. I found that bathrooms are an echo chamber.

But I love radio interviews because they tend to be longer than television interviews. Television is fine, and you do get a wide reach when you are on, but give me an hour radio interview, where I can mention "Friends With Benefits" eery minute (I have an egg timer y'all) and I'll sell tons of books. So right now, I don't know what Kensington is going to do, but I'm going to begin listing the black themed radio stations I want to target for interviews. Same with black newspapers. Those are weeklies, so folks tend to keep them around for longer than a day.

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