Wednesday, April 27, 2005

FWB Copy Edit...

For some reason, I forgot that I would get my Friends With Benefits manuscript back from the copy editor. My editor's assistant called and said I should look for the copy edited version manuscript tomorrow. I have to make all of the corrections by May 5. When you get your manuscript back from the copy editor, it's an ego buster, due to all of the red marks and little stickum's they'll put on it. It makes you think that you have no idea how the English language works. And sometimes, you don't.

Now, this really shouldn't be a problem, except I'd mentally finished with Friends, and now I have to get right back up for it. Plus, I have even less time because I'll be busy this weekend at a motorcycle class. But I'll toil on.

But one bit of good news. I was able to finally talk to the Books-A-Million rep. I'm going to send her my proposal this weekend.

Another bit of good news: I have my second Divine Nine lecture booking for the fall. I'm going back to Clemson University, where I lectured a couple of years ago. I've lectured at over two hundred schools, and Clemson is one of my favorites. Normally, schools want to take me out to dinner either before or after the lecture, and I decline. But the last time I was at Clemson, I'm glad I didn't. It was one of the best dinner, and they have their own cows, so you get some of the freshest dairy products. It may not seem like much, until you taste blue cheese that is out of this world. Plus, the people are really nice.

This year, I'm going to really limit my lectures due to school. I would normally block book (book a bunch of schools during the week), but now I'm pretty much going to limit it to one a week, and then be done. It's already going to be overwhelming, and I don't need to fall behind in school while traveling.

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