Saturday, July 22, 2006

Going To My Convention...

In a couple of days, I head out to the East Coast to celebrate the 100th Centennial Convention for Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity, Inc. I have been an Alpha for twenty one years, and so this is going to be great. A frat brother of mine thought he'd send me a picture to show changes.

This is me now: A 40 year old who's in pretty good shape.

But here I am in 1988: I'm ridiculously skinny, with a ridiculous look on my face. And look at that fade! It is TIGHT! To the far left is my sands Marty Smith, and in the middle is my boy Rouvaun Walker. Boy, we were skinny!

And here I am with my frat brother Anthony Williams. We are in the halls of Sproul Hall, sitting in for something, I can't remember what. Might be divesting from South Africa, or it could be the amount of black students at Berkeley.

I don't know if anyone is interested, but I'm going to upload pictures from the convention to the blog.


RageyOne said...

Safe travels and have a great time! You still look good! :-)

David Anaxagoras said...

I used to think I was fat in 1988, but I'd give anything to be "fat" like I was back then!

Which of course makes me realize how much I should appreciate what I have now, because everything is either going to get gray, expand, sag or fall off!

who me? said...

What a silly girl am I... I just emailed you asking if you were coming east for convention- of COURSE you are :-) I feel dumb for even having asked. Maybe if I'm lucky I'll bump into you this weekend!