I was pretty much burnt last week, and after talking to a lot of my fellow students, we're all kind of burnt. Some are planning spring break trips to Paris, others to Mexico. The Ross Fam? I don't know yet. I wouldn't mind going back to London, and if we can get a nice package, maybe we'll do it. But I don't think that would be exciting for Langston. We might go skiing, but the season may be over by then. So I don't know. But I think we need a break.
My annual Black History Month lecture tour began last week, and I fly out tomorrow morning for more. I speak at Salisbury in Maryland on the 9th, and then at Purdue on Valentine Day. A late add has me going back out to Baltimore on February 22nd. Lastly, I'm supposed to sign books at an event at Howard University on February 25th. So it's busy, busy, busy.
As for writing, I've going to put down the computer for a day and let my mind rest. But I'm getting more and more confident in my ability to recognize and utilize screenplay structure. That was important, because I didn't have it before I got into the program. With that structure starting to become second nature, I can feel my brain starting to demand better writing. Until now, I've been writing okay dialogue, but it's mainly there to fit the skeleton of my script. But the confidence in my structure means that I can now REALLY look at my characters and how I want them to interact. So this week will be spent thinking about Langston and Latimer.
I'm still waiting on my porn book contract from my lit agent. In the last message, he said that he's still negotiating with them. I was too tired to ask what the negotiations were about, and in reality, I really don't care. He's the agent and it's his job to look out for me. I let him do his job. Micromanaging stuff like that would get on his nerve and would eventually get on my nerves. The contract will come when it comes.
My frat brother is going to take snaps for the book, and that's cool because he's a great professional photographer. I have a particular look I want, and I know he can do it.
Diet is still going well. Just too lazy to post the latest data. But right now, I'm at 215-217lbs.
Keep breathing, man. Winter quarter is the toughest -- I'm not sure why, but it is.
And good work keeping up the diet!
Thanks! I think I'm going to schedule a massage and accupunture session if I get any more burnt. I'm in Maryland right now, and it is 35 degrees. My gig went well, and I get a few days home before I head back out.
The diet has really worked. I've dropped a pant size and really feel good. I need to get a few more workout sessions in, but other than that, things are good.
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