Monday, April 24, 2006

Getting Stuck In...

I'm a huge English football fan, having started watching Manchester United games back in 1992. One term that you'll hear on a broadcast is about how a player will "get stuck in". That is a term that means a player is fully committed to tackling, or contact, or hustling. It's to be admired. One of my fellow UCLA screenwriters gets stuck in. He just held a party for first years and we noted how he has to be the hardest working writer among us. He's already on page 85 of his script, and is probably beginning to work on the next one. I'm on page 12. He's stuck in, fully committed, and getting it done, while I'm really, well I'm bullshitting. I keep rewriting the same lines, over and over, versus getting the script done. So, look at the progress meter for the next week. I'm going to write ten pages per day over the next week. I want to write the script so that I have enough time to do a little bit of rewriting before the end of the quarter. It's time for me to get stuck in.

1 comment:

Lawrence said...

You've got to admit that Henry's goal was phenomenal.