Saturday, June 18, 2005

Project X...

Project X is rolling right along. My goal is to write about 12,000 words between yesterday and Monday. When I get in this mode, I tend to write constantly, with a few backyard SuperSoaker fights with my six year old as breaks. The story is perfectly outlined in my brain, the US Open is on the television, and the yard work is already complete. Plus, I have a single Heineken in the fridge that is calling me after a hard day of writing. Nothing like incentive.

Had a great meeting with MK about our documentary. We're moving right along. And it looks like I'll be filming BlackCafeLit segments at the Harlem Book Fair in July. NYC in July? Should be sweltering. I think I'm going to join my friend Paul Guyot in his quest to lose a few pounds. I'm going to be on camera, so I need to lose about ten pounds for the ten pounds the camera is going to put on. I think I can do it in four weeks.

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