Friday, December 01, 2006

Finishing my USC Script...

Right now, I'm finishing my USC script and it's rolling right along. Krystal needs it by Sunday and it'll get done by then. I like Krystal. She's all about keeping to her schedule, and is the perfect counterpoint to my methods of working. This is going to be a first draft, and a rough first draft, but I think by the time I get notes and get it honed in February, we'll have a nice little drama pilot.

BTW, I received the cover for my Kensington fiction manuscript, and I must say that they hit it out of the park. REALLY nice. I won't say the name of the book due to my Iconoculture work, but it really fits. It's provocative, but so is the book. I'm guessing that these two books will eliminate me from office, but that's probably a good thing. lol

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