Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Full Metal Jacket...

I went to see Jarhead this weekend. Hated it. But it made me remember how much I LOVE Full Metal Jacket. Here's what I tell my six year old, which is paraphrased from FMJ.

"Son, all I've ever asked of you is that you obey my orders as you would the word of God."



Justin Kreutzmann said...

Sometimes it takes seeing something really bad to recall why something else is really good.

Cal Football Radical said...

yeah good point, hey lawrence, check out my google blog,

i expressed a similar sentiment that i think you may have in another message board, which was that had tedford put levy in sooner we might be in a lot better position.

Kemp said...

Great, now I'm going to have to go out and rent Full Metal Jacket again. Poor private Pyle...:-)

Genesis said...

i was going to see this movie, but i heard it was whack. saved 10+ bucks. :)

The Humanity Critic said...

That was a great line from Full Medal Jacket..

Lawrence said...

Justin: You are so right. And boy, FMJ should be played right next to Jarhead so folks can compare.

Seth: Go Bears!

Kemp: Private Pyle was the classic fuck up. But what a great character!

Doc: Check Jarhead out on HBO

Humanity: There are so many great lines from FMJ that I can't choose just one. The door gunner who was shooting Vietnamese...

Question: How can you shoot women and children?

Door gunner: Easy, you just don't leand them as much. Ain't war hell?