Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I See Scary Black People...

So Reverend Jeremiah Wright preaches from the pulpit that 9/11 happens because American foreign policy has blowback and the American media has a fit. Funny, but none of them had the introspection to note that this is the same message Malcolm X said over forty years ago, when he made his famous "chickens coming home to roost" statement after the assassination of John F. Kennedy. That got Malcolm X a suspension from the Nation of Islam and lead to his ultimate death.

But instead, the media focused on how Reverend Wright "scared" white people. Well maybe if white people went to African American churches, they'd know how black people truly feel about this country and the policies that affect our community. It's so much easier to talk about crack cocaine laws in the abstract, but when you go into the black community, you get raw anger. When you talk to African Americans and see who gets bombed via American missiles, you can't help to notice that people with melanin get bombed on. And when you talk to African Americans about who in this world are expendable, and who get ignored, you can't help but notice that Darfur and Rwanda are on that list. But Kosovo isn't. Northern Ireland, isn't.

Barack Obama has to do what he has to do in order to remain a viable candidate. Bill and Hillary Clinton have done everything they can to make him the "black candidate" and we all know that if Americans wake up and recognize that this qualified, right and impressive man is just as black as the people they try to avoid, then they won't vote for him. And that's why I'll never, ever, in any kind of weather, vote for Hillary if she happens to backroom this nomination. In fact, I'll be in the front of the line of those who decide to abstain from this election. Yes, I would much rather have a McCain election win than have my vote taken for granted. I don't believe in the whole bigger picture being a Dem is better than a Repub. The bigger picture is that my vote and constituency must be valued. If you don't value it, then I don't value you. So yes, sometimes you cut off your nose to spite both your face and body. And if you think black folks were scary before, watch when nine out of ten Democratic voting black folks stay home in November.

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