Friday, October 28, 2005

Four Pages...

We are writing the first four pages to our thirty page script, and I have never stared at four pages more than I have these past four days. I NEVER thought I'd say this, but I'm having fun cutting out useless words, lines, and anything that doesn't move the story forward. Each time I find that I can say something in three words versus a ten word sentence, I feel like a person doing a jigsaw puzzle and finding missing pieces. I know this must sound naive to established screenwriters, but this is new to me. BTW, my script is a sports comedy, but I'm not going to say the title because it's that good of a title. More later...


Anonymous said...

Dude, seriously, writing is the best when you're editing your own work. When you've caught youself writing something stupid and you've corrected it with something brilliant. Before anyone else can catch you.

Heaven. Pure Heaven.

Lawrence said...
