Sunday, May 01, 2005


This morning, I passed my motorcycle class, so now it's on to the DMV for the motorcyle written test, and then to my license. I'm pretty jazzed because I've been wanting to ride, and now I'm on my way. And I get my bike this summer. I needed a diversion from writing. It seems like I've had one deadline after another for the past three months, plus projects in progress. They're all still there, but I feel more refreshed, even though I'm exhausted from ten hours of riding motorcycles.


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Where did you take your MSF at? Was there a waiting list? Hope to see you at some of the Monster List events soon!


Lawrence said...

Hey Squeak,

Thanks for the congrats! I took my classes at LA Valley College in North Hollywood. Everyone in my group passed, and we were ready to get our bikes! As soon as I get my Monster, I'll be there as much as I can.